Daily Brainstorming

Word of the day – Fist

Todays word of the day is Fist


Here are some random words I came up with inspired by the word Fist

Fisting for dummies

Punch out – the musical

Fist bump

maybe can persuade you with my fists

fight the power

punch punch kick kick

martial arts mastery in the age of aquarius

fist fishing

17 ways to punch a dog

When there is nothing left in the cupboards grab a knuckle sandwich

Arthritis relief

Grabbing the bottle

Lets take this outside

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Today I used a different logline writing method.  I picked one of my inspired words or phrases and extracted the core thing that I liked about it:

17 ways to punch a dog

Core of it = anger towards pet

Then I started with that core idea...and I brainstormed 10 different loglines based around that...and just tweaked the loglines a little each time to try to find the best combination of concepts...notice how similar yet different these loglines are:

An ornery old man and his ornery old donkey must work together to convince a group of disagreeable  villagers to flee from their doomed planet.

And ornery old man beats his favourite donkey in order to convince a group of villagers to flee their doomed planet

A jackass of an old man, under the guidance of his loving donkey and a super smart 12 year old boy, must convince a small village to flee their doomed planet

An elderly man, who is weeks away from death uses his last breath to convince a group of villagers to flee from their doomed planet.

On a planet which has already been devastated by a comet once, a group of survivors must prepare for another catastrophic assault

An ornery donkey must work with an even more ornery old man to save a local village from disaster

An ornery old man must let the villagers who banished him 50 years ago, move into his house in the forbidden zone after the village is destroyed by locusts.

An ornery old man must decide whether to share a escape capsule with his flatulent donkey or leave the animal behind.

*Note What is interesting about these loglines...is that a lot of them are actually connected to a script I am writing right now...as with all my loglines, you can steal them, just be aware...that I'm already writing something that uses a bunch of the concepts showing here today.fist

Image by pabak sarkar via Flickr


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